Alla Prima Head Painting

Alla Prima Head Painting

Class | Available

1501 10th Ave East Seattle, WA 98102 United States

Room 200

All Levels


6:30 PM-9:30 PM PDT on Tue




In this hands-on 5-week class, we will learn how to paint the human head in oils using an "alla prima" approach. Painting from live models, and grounded on an understanding of the structural planes of the head and their dynamic relationship to color and value, we will learn how to paint portraits that are structurally solid yet painterly, loose, and expressive.

Class will include demonstrations, lectures, and plenty of individual feedback. All levels welcome (some drawing experience recommended).

Topics covered include:

- The 5 minute lay-in
- The eye of the painter: dynamic vision vs. tunnel vision
- The planes of the head from the point of view of value
- The planes of the head from the point of view of color
- Color theory and color dynamics: color-value and color-direction
- The importance of value and color relationships
- Value Compression and Color Shifts
- Massing vs. Describing
- How to loosen up

  • Oil Paints:
    We'll need one warm and one cool version of each primary color, plus Titanium White, as a base palette. (If you have your preferred color palette, please bring what you're comfortable with to the first class.)

    Base Colors:
    Titanium White
    Raw Umber
    Hansa Yellow or Cadmium Yellow Deep (warm yellow)
    Cadmium Lemon or any kind of Lemon Yellow (cool yellow)
    Cadmium Red Medium or Napthol Red (warm red)
    Alizarin Crimson or Alizarin Crimson Permanent (cool red)
    Cerulean Blue Hue (warm blue)
    Ultramarine Blue (cool blue)
    Utility Knife or X-Acto knife (for sharpening pencils)

    Note: If possible, buy artist grade paint. It is more economical in the long run, given the higher ratio of pigment to filler. Utrecht, Gamblin, M. Graham, and Winsor & Newton are high-quality mid-priced that I recommend (look for their "Artist" or "Professional" lines. If cost is an issue and you prefer to start with student-grade paint, Gamblin "1980" series is among the best quality student-priced options.

    Any brand works well enough for the class. Bring a variety of long-handled filberts or flats, sizes 12, 8, 6, and 4 (two of each size is enough).

    Canvas panels or hardboard panels, medium size (11" x 14", 12" x 16", or 14" x 18"). Please bring two per class.
    A cheaper alternative is buying a Canvas Pad that you then tape to a hard board or a drawing board.

    Paper Towels
    Odorless Solvent (GAMSOL only!) in lidded container
    Palette (wood, glass, or plexi-glass) - make sure your palette is at least 9 x 12 or larger in size.
    Palette Knife (for cleaning palette)
    Easels are provided by the school, but feel free to bring your own portable setup if you prefer.