Glow with Soft Pastels

Glow with Soft Pastels

Class | Available

All Levels


9:00 AM-12:00 PM on Sat


Invite the viewer into intimate moments with soft pastels. Combine cool and warm hues under a unifying glow. Contrast rich shadowy darks with bright shiny surfaces. Harmonize color and values to create a mood. Step by step Liz will explain and paint techniques of soft pastels in daily demonstrations. Projects range from ceramics with florals to colorful produce on patterned East Indian clothes. All levels are welcome.

Kenyon, Liz

Liz Kenyon worked as a book cover artist for Harper Collins in New York City for fifteen years and was known for her ability to make a lasting ”first impression”. Later, as a pastelist, Liz presented fifteen one-woman shows and received over thirty six place awards. She was published in a French publication “Pratique Des Arts” and was one of the top ten finalists in the Artist Magazine’s Annual Juried Competition “Over Sixty Competition" in 2016 and 2018. According to Liz, "Art is my second language. I use color, form and texture to connect with others, and keep my still life subjects fun and simple”. Visit Liz at her website