Connecting with Arizona Landscapes

Connecting with Arizona Landscapes

local workshop | Available

All Levels


9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed


Making connections within any landscape is key to understanding and painting it. In Arizona, there is an abundance of sunshine, pointy plants, and rocks, so pulling them together in a painting starts with a strong design. Building an underlying structure through strong value contrasts and an appealing color scheme begins the design journey. Simplifying the major pictorial elements by arranging 5-7 color shapes, such as trees, mountains, sky, and earth, gives a good base. Choosing color groupings help set the scene and connect with its mood, while catching the light gives it life and greater impact. Finally, creating the direction and flow of energy that leads to the center of interest, the focal point, completes the story the painting. Oil painting demonstrations and helpful visual displays are used. Students bring a selection of their own landscape photographs and should have experience in their medium.


Flitner, David

David Flitner has been making his living as an oil painter for over 30 years and considers himself on a lifetime journey of art exploration. He believes that within each artist there is a calling to tell a visual story; painters need to express themselves on canvas. Landscapes have always been David’s first artistic love. He was a founding member of the Central Arizona Backpackers Association and backpacked in Arizona for over 15 years, deepening his appreciation and knowledge of the Arizona outback. In his painting of a landscape, David internalizes the feeling of the scene to then make its translation into mood, color, and light. He believes that one can paint abstract concepts, like ‘quiet’ and ‘peace,’ into a painting to enrich the viewer’s experience. Dramatic light, a peaceful space, and a vastness to the depth of field all combine as romantic elements that distinguish his paintings. David studied at the University of Arizona and Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. He’s been represented by many fine art galleries and has taught, demonstrated, judged art shows and lead critiques for many Arizona venues and local art leagues. David loves to teach and pass on the information he’s acquired over the years.