Constructing the Figure from Imagination

Constructing the Figure from Imagination

Adult Online Art | Available

All Levels


10:00 AM-1:00 PM on Wed


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Online on Zoom | 4 Wednesdays - July 3, 10, 17 ,24 | 10am - 1pm Arizona Time (MST) | 

As a figurative sculptor, the practice of sculpting from imagination is extremely important and educational. In this 4-day online class, Alicia will demonstrate how to create a figure from imagination, and students may work along with the project at home. We'll work at an 18-inch scale on a wire armature. Alicia will begin each 3 hour zoom session with a brief lecture, highlighting some important concepts for the day. She will then show a demo video and narrate the video in real time. In the final hour, students may receive feedback on their project and participate in discussions relevant to the class. 

Students will have to use "Zoom" to participate in the class. Homework and questions may be posted on "Padlet" (a private forum, free to use, and visible only to participants that will be set up for the class in advance). Each week the class will be recorded and students may access the videos for up to 2 months after the class finishes. 

The practice will enhance each student's figure modeling technique, shed light on how to utilize the proportional canon, and serve as an exercise in sculptural  composition. All levels are welcome, some experience in figure modeling or drawing from life is recommended." 

Ponzio, Alicia

Alicia N. Ponzio (b.1974) began her career as a Lieutenant in the United States' Navy Nurse Corps. After experimenting with various mediums in figurative art, she found her voice in sculpture and made the decision to pursue it. Her pursuit took her to the Florence Academy of Art (FAA) in Florence, Italy, where she completed the Sculpture Program in 2008. She was then the director of the Artistic Anatomy and Écorché Sculpture programs, as well as a figure drawing instructor at the FAA until 2011, when she returned to the United States to set up her creative studio in downtown San Francisco. In 2014 Alicia and her partner, Justin Hess (painter, b. 1981), co-founded a private teaching atelier, also in San Francisco, JHess Studios. Alicia is active in a number of professional organizations including the National Sculpture Society and Portrait Society of America, in addition to creating works for gallery and commission, and maintaining an active teaching schedule at JHess Studios and various other venues in the United States and beyond. Alicia brings life to her bronzes and plasters, focusing on the abstract movement of forms as embodied in the human figure, as well as the subtle shades of human emotion. She favors asymmetry, irregularity, and variety in design: qualities that suggest a human touch. Her figure compositions and portraits have received recognition and honors from several organizations including the Art Renewal Center, the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, The Portrait Society of America, The California Art Club and The National Sculpture Society from which Alicia received the Alex J. Ettl Grant in 2016. Her work ranges from miniature portraits to larger scale single figure and multi-figure compositions. She works extensively in plaster to achieve her effect, and casts the final product in bronze.