Gage Seminars: The Language of Art: DADA; from Paris Commune to Extinction Rebellion

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All Levels/Public Welcome
6:00 PM-8:00 PM PDT on Th

Gage Seminars: The Language of Art: DADA; from Paris Commune to Extinction Rebellion

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Dada is the primal void, the nonsense that makes sense. It is essentially a language set in opposition to established order. It can be argued Dada changed everything and set the tone for almost all art since. Why? We explore both the social and historical origins of DADA as well as the core precepts and performance art of the Cabaret Voltaire and their followers, their outsize effects on our culture over the intervening years of Surrealism, Situationism, Punk… We also analyze its essential role in contemporary art and mass movements.

  • A full syllabus with required reading selections for specific days will be provided on the first day of class, Sept 19. A link for the first classes reading will be emailed to registered students.
  • Students should confirm that they are able to access Dropbox links before first class. Please contact me if trouble accessing links.
  • Required Texts; there is one required text for this class., below. Students should acquire a copy no later than the first week of class.
  • • Dada: Art and Anti-Art (Thames and Hudson World of Art) Paperback – 1964
  • by Hans Richter. Amazon Link.
  • A personal history and primary texts from one of the original Zurich Dadaists
  • Additionally the two texts below are optional, but strongly recommended, especially if you prefer to read and view the art in print rather than PDF.
  • • Dada: Zurich, Berlin, Hannover, Cologne, New York, Paris (National Gallery of Art) Paperback – March 1, 2008. by Leah Dickerman, et al…. Amazon link
  • A gorgeous, lavishly illustrated, and extremely comprehensive book for a great price. This is an awesome book!
  • • The Dada Painters and Poets: An Anthology, Second Edition (Harvard University Press - Paperbacks in Art History) Paperback – May 26, 1989 (original 1951) Amazon link
  • by Robert Motherwell (Editor), Jack D. Flam (Foreword)
  • We will be reading a lot from this, the definitive collection of primary texts by original Dadaists compiled by the American Painter Robt Motherwell. Used copies can be obtained reasonably cheaply online. Library copies may also be available at KCLS.
  • Other Texts we will be reading from. Excerpts will be made available on course website/dropbox.
  • • Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age Paperback – September 14, 2000. by Modris Eksteins
  • • Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth Century Paperback – September 1, 1990
  • by Greil Marcus (Author)
  • • Dada - (Phaidon) Paperback – Abridged, May 25, 2015
  • by Rudolf Kuenzli
  • • Dada & Surrealism (Phaidon) Paperback – November 19, 1997
  • by Matthew Gale
  • • Destruction Was My Beatrice: Dada and the Unmaking of the Twentieth Century (Perseus – Basic Books) Hardcover – June 2, 2015. by Jed Rasula
Michael Magrath