Drawing Trees - Graphite

Drawing Trees - Graphite

360 Online Class | This program is completed

All Levels
10:00 AM-12:00 PM PDT on Fri

Drawing Trees - Graphite

360 Online Class | This program is completed

This class is Asynchronous: The class will consist of a weekly recorded demo + 2 hours in class on Zoom + Email Critiques.

This class is in need of a student assistant (class monitor).

A student assistant helps the instructor and other students with zoom issues during class. There are usually very few issues and typically involves helping people with tasks such as unmuting themselves. Beyond that, you are still able to fully participate in the class as a student.
In exchange for this helpful service, Gage offers a 55% reduction in the tuition of the class that you assist for.

If you would like to help out and have some experience with zoom, please email chad@gageacademy.org The position is not guaranteed.

Trees are so beautiful anytime of the year, but winter trees with their bare branches and bark are particularly gorgeous! In this class you will:
• Learn about the anatomy of trees
• Learn to focus on the simple shapes and gestures of the tree, then the detail
• Plan the composition of your drawing
• Learn techniques for rendering branches, bark, and roots
• Create beautiful, finished drawings!
The class will consist of a weekly recorded demo + 2 hours in class on Zoom + Email Critiques.

  • This is a list of required and optional supplies for class. Specific brands are for reference only, if you have something similar, use that.
  • Required
  • Paper
  • - Canson XL Mix Media Sketchbook for thumbnail sketches and notes
  • - Stonehenge Drawing paper for finished drawings – quality, white drawing paper, 11x14 or larger
  • Pencils
  • - A 0.7 mechanical pencil such as a Pentel “Twist-Erase”
  • Erasers
  • - A kneaded eraser
  • - A white vinyl eraser
  • - Pen-type eraser- large and/or small
  • -Soft brush for removing eraser crumbs
  • - Pencil sharpener or a blade and sandpaper
  • - A drawing board good for drawing at an easel, large enough for your drawing paper
  • - A roll (or pad) of tracing paper - many uses
  • - A roll (or pad) of glassine to protect drawings from smudging in storage or transport
  • - Graphite (wax-less) transfer paper
  • - Electric eraser
  • - A small plastic t-square
  • - Spray workable fixative and final fixative
  • - A folder to keep drawings in (make one from foamboard)
  • - View Finder
  • - Value Step Chart/gray scale
  • Easel or table top
  • Paper towels
  • • microphone and camera enabled computer
  • • ipad or smart tablet
  • • smart phone (android or IOS)
  • • Strong internet connection
  • Excited Attitude!
Kathleen Moore