Pen and Wash Drawing

Pen and Wash Drawing

360 Online Class | This program is completed

All Levels
6:30 PM-9:30 PM PDT on Th

Pen and Wash Drawing

360 Online Class | This program is completed

Pen and wash is a centuries-old art technique suitable to make sketches and illustrations relatively fast and with minimal tools. Ink lines render the subject and give it a sense of accuracy. Washes of watercolor or diluted ink add tonal value and color. Think of the ink as the bones that hold the piece together, and the wash as the flesh that adds volume and brings it to life. In this class, you will learn the properties of each medium and how to combine them successfully as you practice drawing from still life subjects and photo reference. The goal is to create artwork that looks fresh and spontaneous. If you’ve been having a hard time finding that sweet spot where ink and watercolor complement each other artfully on your sketchbook drawings or simply want to learn the technique, the live demos and critiques by Seattle Times artist and prolific pen and wash sketcher Gabriel Campanario will help you step up your game. The class is ideal for artists and drawing enthusiasts of all levels interested in pen and wash for urban sketching, portraiture, illustrated journaling or any other type of art project.

  • Pencil: H pencil and kneaded eraser
  • Ink tools (bring at least one of these): Fineliner pens (Staedler, Faber-Castell or Sakura Micron); fountain pens loaded with water resistant ink (i.e. Noodler’s or Carbon Platinum); dip-pen and India ink pot; Pentel Brush Pen; ballpoint pens.
  • Watercolor kit: Tubes by Daniel Smith are recommended (Three primaries such as Ultramarine blue, Yellow Ochre and Alizarin Crimson are enough).
  • Brushes: Any watercolor brush will work. I recommend a ¾” angular brush; Pentel or Niji waterbrushes are good too.
  • Paper: Sheets of watercolor-grade paper or sketchbook with watercolor paper. I recommend 140lb Hot Press watercolor paper by Arches (you can buy a 22 by 30-inches sheet at the art store and cut it in smaller pieces. Soft Press watercolor paper by Fabriano is also recommended.
Gabriel Campanario