Roman Wall Painting: Pompeii, Raphael, and David

Roman Wall Painting: Pompeii, Raphael, and David

360 Online Class | This program is completed

All Levels


9:30 AM-11:00 AM PDT on Fri




This class is in need of a student assistant (class monitor).

A student assistant helps the instructor and other students with zoom issues during class. There are usually very few issues and typically involves helping people with tasks such as unmuting themselves. Beyond that, you are still able to fully participate in the class as a student.
In exchange for this helpful service, Gage offers a 55% reduction in the tuition of the class that you assist for.

If you would like to help out and have some experience with zoom, please email The position is not guaranteed.

When Mount Vesuvius erupted on August 24 in the year 79, it buried the city of Pompeii, creating a time capsule of Roman life. Since its excavation, Pompeii and its art have become sources of knowledge for archaeologists and inspiration for countless artists. In this class, we will examine the ancient city of Pompeii, the discovery of Roman wall paintings, and their influence on Raphael, Robert Adam, and Jacques-Louis David.