Beginning Painting: Head Portrait

Beginning Painting: Head Portrait

Weekend Workshop | Available

1501 10th Ave East Seattle, WA 98102 United States
Room 304
All Levels
9:30 AM-4:30 PM PDT on Sun Sat

Beginning Painting: Head Portrait

Weekend Workshop | Available

Working with the model, we’ll delve into the processes and techniques essential for creating a portrait in oil. Through keen observation, students will begin with a monochrome underpainting and progress to finish the painting using alla prima (wet on wet) method. Emphasizing precision in painting from direct observation, the workshop will cover various topics such as proportion, value structure, and color temperature. From initial thumbnail sketches to a finished painting, students will receive comprehensive instruction through presentations, demonstrations, and individualized feedback.

  • Graphite Pencils
    Palette for mixing paints

    Paint Surfaces:
    11 by 14 inches Gessoed Canvas Pad 
    11 by 14 inches gessoed canvas panel

    Paint, oil:
    Titanium White
    Cadmium Yellow
    Yellow Ochre
    Cadmium Red Light
    Alizarin Crimson
    Ultramarine Blue
    Burnt Sienna
    Burnt Umber

    Liquin/ Galkyd
    Paint Brushes: 4-6 natural bristle, sizes from 4-12, filberts, rounds and brights
    Palette Knife, medium size
    Brush cleaner jar
    Brush cleaner soap
Yongqi Tang