A collage of pen drawings of various animals in an illustrative style.

Hybrids, Beasts and Imagined Landscapes

360 Online Class | Available

1:30 PM-4:30 PM PDT on Wed

Hybrids, Beasts and Imagined Landscapes

360 Online Class | Available

From the prehistoric cave drawings to contemporary art, cultures around the world have imagined fantastic beasts. Referencing art history, mythology, symbols, or including personal experiences, expand your visual storytelling to create fantastic creatures and environments. Demonstrations will include how to show movement with gesture sketching, describe textures and explore media techniques. Images of animals, insects and plants will be provided each week to consider with students choice optional.

  • Medias of choice can include graphite, colored and watercolor pencils, black and colored pens and watercolor. Additional: sketchbook & erasers
Vandra Pentecost