A painting of a dog on a blue background.

Foundation Oil Painting - Painting from Life

Class | Available

2107 Westlake Ave Seattle, WA 98121 United States
Life Drawing Studio #111
6:30 PM-9:30 PM PDT on Mon Wed

Foundation Oil Painting - Painting from Life

Class | Available

"No Class: 5/26/2025 (Memorial Day)

Instruction Medium: Oil paint

In the final installment of this three-part foundation oil painting series, students will bring together the skills and techniques developed in the previous classes to paint from the live model. This class focuses on capturing the human form through observation, emphasizing proportion, gesture, anatomy, and the interplay of light and shadow. Students will explore color mixing, layering, and brushwork to create a dynamic and lifelike rendering. The instructor will guide participants through the process, from initial sketching and blocking in shapes to building depth and texture. This hands-on experience provides an opportunity to deepen observational skills, overcome the challenges of working from life, and create a finished, expressive piece that reflects the artist's unique interpretation of the model. By the end of the session, students will leave with increased confidence in their abilities, and a greater appreciation for the art of oil painting from life."

  • Artist Grade Oil Paints:

    • Titanium White (lead white is suggested but not mandatory)
    • Naples Yellow Light
    • Yellow Ochre
    • Light Red (Winsor Newton)
    • Cadmium Red Light
    • Alizarin Crimson
    • Burnt Sienna
    • Raw Umber
    • Williamsburg Cadmium Green Light
    • Rembrandt King Blue
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Ivory Black

  • Supports:

    • 1 - 11”x 14” or 12”x 16” Canvas panel or stretched canvas toned with a neutral gray ground.
    • 1 – 16”x 20” or 18”x 24” Canvas panel or stretched canvas toned with a neutral gray ground.

  • Brushes: You can bring in your favorite brushes to work with, but in case you need to purchase some here is what I suggest to start with.
    • 1 each of  #2, 4, 6, & 8 filbert bristle brushes
    • 1 each of  #2, 4 & 6 filbert synthetic brushes
    • 1 each of  #4 or #6 round synthetic
  • * A very good round is the #4 Escoda Modernisia


    Other Materials:

    • Sketch pad and pencil for thumbnail studies and notes
    • Paint Palette (glass or wooden, be sure the wooden palette is sealed such as a New Wave palette)
    • 2 trowel shaped palette knifes (Dick Blick style #44 is a good size)
    • Clean absorbent rags (necessary, paper towels won’t work)
    • Paper towels
    • Refined Linseed oil
    • OMS – Odorless Mineral Sprits (Gamsol is preferred)
    • Solvent tank
    • 1 small jar with lid for medium
    • 2 - 2” Spring clamps or bull dog clips
    • Masterson Sta-Wet Palette Seal  (optional to store and transport a wet palette)
    • The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver - Studio Cake, 2-5/8 oz
    • Maul Stick (optional but very handy)

Aron Hart