Gouache Figure Painting
Class | Available
Instruction Medium: Gouache
Working from a variety of figure models you’ll learn to quickly identify and block-in major shapes and color relationships. Poses will increase in length as the course progresses and you will build on your initial gestural foundation with more refined shape decisions, proportions and structural relationships as the poses get longer. Each week we will work with a different limited palette that builds on the week before. By the end of the course you’ll learn to establish clear value relationships, make effective shape decisions and have the skills you need to mix subtle color relationships in longer poses.
- For brands I recommend
Holbein water-based gouache and windsor and newton gouache. (All colors 15 ml tubes, except white 40ml)
Paper 9x12 or 14x17 vellum or smooth bristol Hot press water color paper also works well, as does any smooth lightly sized paper. Canson’s XL Mixed Media paper is another good alternative. I also like using the thick, moleskine sketch notebooks. Some light weight sketch paper for loosening up
Primary Colors
Flame Red OR Cadmium red
Primary Red OR Alizarin Crimson/Magenta
Ultramarine Primary Blue OR Cyan Cadmium
Yellow Medium OR Permanent Yellow Deep Cadmium Yellow Light OR Primary Yellow
Earth Tones
Burnt Sienna
Yellow Ochre
Ivory Black
Secondary Colors
Permanent Green Deep Sap green/moss green
Violet/Purple Permanent
White 40-60ml
For brushes I prefer synthetic bristles ranging in size from 0-6 2 round ?” or size 1 or 0 brushes 2 round ¼”-?” size 4-6 brushes 2 flat ½” brushes
1 small spray/fine mist bottle like for facial toner
1 pack of 9x12 palette paper
Paper towels
A few graphite pencils, a sharpener and an eraser for sketching
Cup for water