ARTIST GRADE OIL PAINTS (e.g Gamblin, Utrecht, Winsor & Newton, Rembrandt):
- Titanium White
- Cadmium Yellow Light or Hansa Yellow Light
- Scarlet Lake/Napthol Red/Permanent Red or Cadmium Red
- Burnt Sienna - Alizarin Permanent
- Ultramarine Blue or Cobalt Blue
- Ivory Black
- Dioxazine Purple (optional)
SURFACE (choose 1 from below):
- One 5x7”, 6x8”, or 8x10” canvas panel
- primed panel such as Ampersand Gessobord
- Centurion linen panel
- Gamblin Gamsol
- Brush washer for Gamsol
- Palette or palette paper (Grey Matters 9x12” paper is a good option)
- Linseed oil - Small container or jar or palette cup for linseed oil
- Palette knife
- Two sticks of medium vine charcoal
- One charcoal pencil (e.g General's HB or 2B)
- One sheet of heavyweight paper or canvas pad
- One roll of paper towels
- Any long handled brushes you already have
- it would also be good to bring a small size 0 or size 1 round brush.
If you’re looking to buy brushes, a good starting set would be a mixture of rounds and filberts (sizes 4 to 8) of Blick Scholastic Wonder White Synthetic or Utrecht Manglon Synthetic brushes, as well a bristle brush such as Robert Simmons Signet size 8.
If the surface you’re painting on is heavily textured (such as a canvas panel with a rough weave) I would recommend bringing more bristle brushes.
- One image of an animal you’d like to paint, printed or on a tablet.
We will go over in class more what makes a good reference, but generally the process will be easier if the image has clear lighting (the light is coming from an identifiable direction).