Impressionistic Approach to Watercolors

Impressionistic Approach to Watercolors

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed

Impressionistic Approach to Watercolors

Workshop | Available

Alvaro Castagnet’s exuberance and excitement are evident in all his paintings, where big colorful washes blend with deft, impressionistic technique to create the mood and atmosphere of a subject. This class will begin with a philosophical introduction to “what makes a painting” followed by a “one-go” demonstration. Alvaro’s view is that the practical skills such as composition, technique, depth, and value are all important, but are going to be subordinated by the fact that one must paint from the heart! The challenge is to express yourself and your feelings and to be truthful to the source of inspiration through your personal palette and technique. Alvaro will demonstrate every day and will be giving individual attention. This workshop will be an enjoyable and valuable experience. 

Castagnet, Alvaro
Alvaro Castagnet

Alvaro Castagnet is a leading master and one of today’s most highly respected watercolor Artists in the world. Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, he is a member of the most distinguished art societies and has been recognized with top honors and medals in major art competitions worldwide. His works grace the walls of many international private and corporate collectors. Alvaro is also a successful author, tutor and sought after judge.