Oil Painting into Abstraction

Oil Painting into Abstraction

Workshop | Available

9:30 AM-4:30 PM on Tue Wed Th Fri

Oil Painting into Abstraction

Workshop | Available

This course is for realist painters wanting to incorporate more abstraction in their work and for abstract painters seeking guidance in developing their expression. The focus will be on accessing one’s inner voice to inform abstract expression while learning unique techniques developed by Marianne Mitchell to create luminous light and color in oil paint. The relationship between emotional expression, compositional skill and technical facility will be emphasized in discussion and demonstrations in oil paint while each student is supported on their artistic journey throughout the workshop. www.mariannemitchell.com 

• Please note: Class will meet from 9:30am-4:30pm

Mitchell, Marianne
Marianne Mitchell

Marianne Mitchell is an internationally recognized abstract painter and nationally known educator and coach. Her work has been exhibited in New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, San Francisco and Bergamot Station in Santa Monica as well as in Europe. She is the recipient of the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Fellowship in Painting and has work in public and private collections across the country and around the world. Marianne is committed to helping artists achieve a deeper level of expression by understanding abstraction, and developing their “Signature Artist Voice.” A lifelong Philadelphian, Marianne now lives in Denver CO with her husband while their daughter makes New England her home. She currently teaches at the Art Students League of Denver, Southern Vermont Art Center and the Main Line Art Center in Philadelphia and has a nationally thriving artist coaching practice.