Bringing the Outdoors In: Painting Expressive Landscapes

Bringing the Outdoors In: Painting Expressive Landscapes

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

Bringing the Outdoors In: Painting Expressive Landscapes

Workshop | Available

This unique five-day workshop experience with award-winning, Contemporary American Impressionist, Eric Jacobsen is intended to hone students’ painting skills and expand their creative language. Emphasis will be on risk-taking, abstract design, and mark-making–the three necessary components to take one’s work to the next level and separate oneself from the “pack”. Students will learn to see like a poet and unlock their true creative potential. Students are encouraged to take a journey into new artistic territory and open up the possibility for a more pure, honest, and unique result for their paintings. Sign up now! 

Jacobsen, Eric
Eric Jacobsen

"It is most important to me that my paintings convey a certain mood", Eric says. "I want them to be felt by the viewer without his or her having to analyze or think about them. As a general rule, I try to find strong compositions in nature and then paint the scene accurately while leaving out any extraneous details which would only busy up the painting and detract from the strength of the piece as a whole. My painting process consists of finding a painting site and setting up to paint for a couple of hours, or until the light has changed. For larger paintings, I will return on consecutive days at the same time, under similar lighting conditions to finish a piece.”

Recent Awards
“The Boldbrush Award”, FASO, November 2022
“The Newcomb Award”, Rockport Art Association and Museum
“2nd Place”, Cape Ann Plein Air, Gloucester, MA
“First Place”, AIS Online National Show
“Award of Merit”, 22nd Annual American Impressionists Society, Omaha, NE

Recent Exhibitions
“Fresh Perspectives”, Mockingbird Gallery, Bend, OR
“AIS Impressions: Small Works Showcase”, Taos, NM
“Cape Ann Plein Air”, Cape Ann, Gloucester, MA
“Flowers”, Turner Fine Art, Jackson, WY
“Solo Show” Art On the Boulevard, Vancouver, WA
“ATB”, Mary Williams Fine Art, Boulder, CO
“22nd Annual American Impressionist Society Show”, Omaha, NE

Gallery Representation
Art on the Boulevard, Vancouver, WA
Gallery Two, Rockland, ME
Ingram Fine Art, Wiscasset, ME
Jackson Art and Studio, Jackson, NH
Kneeland Gallery, Sun Valley, ID
Mockingbird Gallery, Bend, OR
Phinney Gallery, Joseph, OR