Composing a Dreamy Vibrant Painting

Composing a Dreamy Vibrant Painting

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th

Composing a Dreamy Vibrant Painting

Workshop | Available

In this workshop students will develop a complete painting from start to finish with a narrative, surreal elements and environment. Students will be starting with limited palette paint sketches from a live model that focus on value, shape, and design then photographing a model/good subject and creating a background. Throughout the class, students will learn everything involved in creating a studio painting from start to finish, including how to set up a scene, lighting, costume, composition and background. They will solve the creative problems that arise when developing a work of art. Natalia will demo every day and explain each stage of her direct painting method, step by step. Techniques will include alla prima and transparent vs opaque color with a goal of achieving luminosity and capturing the illusion of form.

Fabia, Natalia
Natalia Fabia

Natalia Fabia is a Polish American contemporary fine artist best known for her large-scale oil paintings portraying figures in imaginative and existing spaces. “My work is classically driven with the influence of personal themes” she said. Many of these themes include: fashion, society, culture and the internal complexity of identity. “I am fascinated by the human form; relationships, friendships, solidarity and play.” In her recent works she employs color, light, and the cosmos. She finds inspiration in her life and her personal relationships both past and present. Although her early works focused on celebrating strong creative women while simultaneously challenging societal perceptions and attitudes towards them, Fabia now explores the concept of a ‘true self’ and the practice of introspection.