Chiaroscuro Painting in Oil

Chiaroscuro Painting in Oil

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

Chiaroscuro Painting in Oil

Workshop | Available

The Italian term Chiaroscuro or ‘light-dark’ painting refers to clear contrasting tonal and edge work which are often used to suggest a ‘light effect’ while modeling the volumes of the subjects depicted. Artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Caravaggio and Rembrandt employed this classical technique to portray emotion, drama, space and atmosphere in their masterworks. A tronie (16/17th-century Dutch for “face”) is a common type, or group of types, of works common in Dutch Golden Age painting and Flemish Baroque painting that shows an exaggerated facial expression or a stock character in costume. Join Charles Miano on an expressive exploration of character and costume in his unique classical approach to portrait painting. Miano will highlight his special Sprezzatura Style of painting which distinguishes his work as both studied and bold. He will show artists his “Golden Age” palette mixtures for creating life-like portraits in oil in the grand manner of Rembrandt and the Old Masters.

Charles Miano