Color Boot Camp

Color Boot Camp

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Tue Wed Th Fri Sat

Color Boot Camp

Workshop | Available

If your paintings lack the color impact you desire, consider this class. This rigorous course will make you aware of color: its attributes and its deceptions. The objective is LEARNING TO SEE the color you are looking at (especially the neutrals and shadows), creating a concept for that color, and then applying the appropriate mixing techniques needed in order to get any color you can conceive! It’s never too early or too late to learn more about color - this class is for both advanced and beginner painters. PLEASE NOTE: This workshop is jam-packed with information that will surely benefit your progress with essentials if you are a beginner painter or sculptor. This will be the absolute foundation on which to build your skills and techniques. This workshop is also recommended for intermediate and advanced painters. The more experienced painter will be able to organize all the random, paradoxical, and seemingly contradictory concepts they have heard over their lifetime of study and go deeper into the base of their knowledge in the ongoing attempt to create better and more beautiful paintings. The instructor believes that knowledge is power and with your sail full of wind, your sailboat can take you anywhere you want! We move along at a fun and invigorating pace. 

Diehl, Susan
Susan Diehl

Susan Diehl's passion for painting and Russian Impressionism comes across in her exuberant teaching style. Susan offers tangible techniques and concepts she learned from her mentors Ron Lucas and William F Reese and backed by her years of study. She is an award-winning artist and is collected internationally.