Alla Prima Portrait and Figure

Alla Prima Portrait and Figure

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

Alla Prima Portrait and Figure

Workshop | Available

This class is about painting the figure and portrait Alla Prima (wet into wet) and the techniques used to create a fresh, direct response to our subjects. There will be painting demonstrations and lots of class time for students to work from a live figure and portrait model. The class will work on a different painting/pose each day of the workshop and learn to simplify and interpret the figure/portrait as a series of basic shapes and planes described by light and shadow. This class will be particularly helpful for those who want to expand from a tight painting style to a more loose, economical paint application.

Shevlino, David
David Shevlino

David Shevlino studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (certificate ’84) and the University of Pennsylvania (BFA ’92) and the Art Students’ League of NY. His work has been featured in national publications and he has exhibited his work and taught workshops throughout North America and Europe. He has also produced a series of instructional videos about his painting methods