Loose Realism: Painting the Still Life in Oils

Loose Realism: Painting the Still Life in Oils

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Th Fri Sat

Loose Realism: Painting the Still Life in Oils

Workshop | Available

Paint looser and more confidently during this three-day workshop with Oregon artist Sarah Sedwick! Take a step-by-step approach to alla prima oil painting, from black-and-white studies to brilliant color. Build a beautiful composition with life and movement and get a new perspective on the still life. Instead of struggling with overworking your paintings, practice STOPPING SOONER to keep the freshness you crave in your work. Working with a split-primary palette of six colors and white, explore how creating quick studies and using bigger brushes can loosen up your paintings. Learn the fundamentals of composition design, and walk step-by-step through Sarah’s alla prima process, creating a dynamic still life from start to finish! Sarah will demonstrate and work with each student individually. Instruction is in oils, and acrylics are welcome - particularly Open acrylics that stay wet longer. All levels welcome, age 15 and above. www.sarahsedwick.com

Sedwick, Sarah
Sarah Sedwick

Sarah Sedwick was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and has lived in Eugene Oregon since 2007. In 2001, she earned a BFA from Maryland Institute, College of Art. Her oil paintings explore the simple beauty of everyday objects, and are most often inspired by color combinations and perceptual effects. All are painted from life. Sarah has been teaching workshops on alla prima painting - still life, figure, and portrait- around the USA since 2013, and also offers an online art mentorship program. She is represented by Tvedten Gallery in Harbor Springs, Michigan. Learn more about Sarah on Facebook and Instagram! (@sedwickstudio)