Luminous Paintings in Watercolor

Luminous Paintings in Watercolor

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed

Luminous Paintings in Watercolor

Workshop | Available

Capturing the beauty of light through the study of light/ shadow and value/color relationships is a goal for this workshop in watercolor. Subjects include painting a colorful floral still life and landscape including water. As a Master in the American Impressionist Society, Carr will emphasize achieving dynamic paintings using confident, loose, and impressionistic brush strokes in watercolor. Students will enjoy gaining painting skills while exploring the variety of watercolor techniques such as the value sketch, textural, glazing, palette knife, etc. Through individual instruction, students will develop their own artistic approaches. Photos will be provided but students are welcome to bring their favorites. Suggested reading: Seeing the Light, an Artist’s Guide (Betty Carr, Author). Come and enjoy painting luminous light in a painting!!

Carr, Betty
Betty Carr

Betty Carr received her MFA from San Jose State University and has taught painting and sculpture for many years. As a professional artist throughout her distinguished career she has traveled extensively gathering inspirational subject matter. Carr is the author of the acclaimed instructional book, "Seeing the Light; An Artist's Guide," and her work featured in numerous books including; "Creative Composition & Design," "The Painter's Workshop," "Splash 5," "Painter's Quick Reference; Flowers;Landscapes, and Flower Pocket Pal." Carr is a Signature Member of the Knickerbocker Society of Artists and Arizona Plein Aire Painters.