Alla Prima: Painting the Portrait and Figure from Life

Alla Prima: Painting the Portrait and Figure from Life

Workshop | Available

9:30 AM-4:30 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

Alla Prima: Painting the Portrait and Figure from Life

Workshop | Available

Romel will demonstrate every morning using Alla Prima (a style of painting where, instead of building colors up with layers or glazing over an underpainting, the painting is completed while the paint is still wet) with the emphasis on improving color, drawing skills, value relationships, understanding edges, and capturing the feeling of light. Learn to use the elements that make a painting stronger and exciting! In addition, Romel will explain how to set up the model and lighting and how to best use photography. Instruction will be individualized to each student’s specific needs. Romel provides easygoing instruction as well as discussion of techniques of some of his favorite artists.

  • Please Note: Class will meet from 9:30am to 4:30pm

de la Torre, Romel
Romel de la Torre

Born in the Philippines in a community of artists, Robel de la Torre's artistic interest started at a very young age. With the encouragement of his parents he began sketching the world around him.

In the late 70's Romel and his family migrated to the United States where he began going to museums studying and learning on his own - works of famous artists like Sargent, Sorolla, Fechin, Mucha, and the American Impressionists. The exposure to these master paintings laid a strong foundation to his understanding of what makes great art.

He attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago, where he was awarded the President's Foundation Award and the Union League Scholarship Award. After graduating with a fine arts concentration , Romel continued to paint in the Chicago area and joined the Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, where he began studying with internationally renowned artist Richard Schmid. It was a turning point of his creative and artistic career.

Romel is a full-time artist and is represented by several galleries. His oils, pastels, watercolors, and portraits are housed in private collections throughout the United States and several other countries. His paintings have been featured in The Artists Magazine, Southwest Art Magazine, U.S. Art Magazine and the American Art Collectors Magazine. In addition, he conducts workshops throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia.

Among his most important honors is the Oil Painters of America National Exhibition Grand Prize and the Artists Magazine Portrait Artist of the Year. Other awards include Raymar Fine Arts Competition Award, Greenhouse Gallery's Salon International Award, OPA Award of Excellence Gold Medal , and the People's Choice Award from the Palette and Chisel Gold Medal show, as well as a two-time top finalist in the International Portrait Competition given by the prestigious Portrait Society of America.