Paint with an Understanding of the Masters

Paint with an Understanding of the Masters

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

Paint with an Understanding of the Masters

Workshop | Available

Robert Johnson is an OPA Master. His workshop in oils will focus on developing an understanding of the essential elements of painting that have been passed on through the centuries from teacher to student, master to apprentice, and artist to artist. Brushstrokes will be heavily emphasized as a means to depict form, achieve expressive power, and maintain a painting’s feeling of spontaneity and life. Robert will teach the importance of an understanding of values, edges, light, and color to create a powerful and memorable painting. Still-life, florals, and the portrait will be the subject matter of the workshop and students can feel free to choose a subject or subjects they wish to paint. Robert will demonstrate the still life and portrait.

Johnson, Robert
Robert Johnson

Robert A. Johnson received his training at the Art Students League of New York where he is a life member and has received individual instruction from master painter Lajos Markos. He has won first place awards nationally from the Artist's Magazine and the Salmagundi Club and has received five awards in the Oil Painters of America national competition where he is a Signature Member. He is the author of "On Becoming a Painter," and he is featured in the 2014 book "Oil Painting with the Masters" published by North Light Publications. His work is also featured in "The Best of Flower Painting II" and "The Simple Secret to Better Painting." He has had nineteen one artist shows at private galleries.