Painting Hands

Painting Hands

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Sun Fri Sat

Painting Hands

Workshop | Available

Hands describe so much emotion in a painting. Color, structure, values... so many aspects to painting a hand that can be captured to make convincing realistic hands. Come learn how to create realistic hands in Shana’s hand painting workshop. Over this three-day workshop, Shana will discuss the structure of hands so that students will understand the bone structure while learning how to paint skin tones and values of dynamic hands. The first day will be working on drawing the hand down on the panel and starting the painting. The next two days Shana will demo and students will work as Shana guides them through their paintings.

Levenson, Shana
Shana Levenson

Shana Levenson is a representational painter from Albuquerque, NM. Her passion for the arts led her to pursue a BA in Fashion Design from The University of Texas, in Austin, and after the birth of her children in 2009 and 2010, an MFA in Fine Art Painting from the Academy of Art University, in San Francisco. Shana’s work focuses on portraiture and the figure. Her inspiration comes from painting people that are important in her life, and her goal is to capture each person’s story in an honest and meaningful way. Shana draws inspiration from her own experiences and uses specific series as a way to illustrate chapters in her life. Her background in fashion has inspired her newest series of paintings of lace. Along with a busy painting and exhibition schedule, Shana runs a private art school out of her studio. She and her fiancé, artist David Kassan, also started Art Crit Academy online, which an ongoing online Live Mentorship program and community that is organic, catering to the needs of an individual's goals and skill level. She currently lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with her kids. Shana’s works can be seen in regular exhibitions across the United States and abroad.