Deep Dive: Color

Deep Dive: Color

Workshop | FULL

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

Deep Dive: Color

Workshop | FULL

This workshop unlocks secrets of color structure to enable you to paint with more freedom and confidence. “Painting from the heart” is not enough. To become a work of art, ideas and emotion must take form, organized into a coherent, expressive design. Master painters, like musicians, create harmonies intentionally. We'll decode color harmonies found in master paintings of many genres, styles, and time periods throughout art history. If you are ready to go deeper in your understanding of color this workshop is for you. I don’t teach how to paint like me, but how to paint like you, better than ever. Topics include: How to Create Color Harmonies, Image Structure: Key Concepts, The Power of Hierarchy in Color, The Secret of Color Transitions, Seeing Color in Nature, Film, and Pop Culture, Staying Open to Wonder, Curiosity, and Surprise, Overcoming Personal Obstacles and Painting with Confidence and Freedom.

Slonim, David Michael
David Michael Slonim

Drawing on visual childhood memories of works by Van Gogh, Picasso, and Calder, David Michael Slonim reaches simultaneously for the playful and spiritual through structured, improvisational abstraction. Born in Miami, FL (1966) and raised in New Jersey, Slonim received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Rhode Island School of Design in 1988. For the next decade, he created images for advertising, editorial, and corporate clients including Wrigley’s Gum, Reader’s Digest, Sports Illustrated, IBM and T.G.I.Fridays. Turning to landscape painting in 1998, he continued studying artists like Diebenkorn, Mitchell and Rothko. His work naturally morphed toward abstraction as his focus shifted to the structure beneath the image. Slonim is also a prolific children’s author and illustrator, recognized for excellence by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Society of Illustrators. He speaks regularly to organizations and schools about creativity and life as a professional artist.