Mastering the Foundations of Oil Painting

Mastering the Foundations of Oil Painting

Adult Online Art | Available

10:00 AM-1:00 PM on Tue

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Mastering the Foundations of Oil Painting

Adult Online Art | Available

Online on Zoom | 3 Tuesdays - Sep 17, 24, Oct 1, 2024 | 10am - 1pm Arizona Time (MST) | Recording will be available to the students for additional two months

In this three-week online course, award winning artist Timothy Rees guides students through three different painting assignments intended to help them master the fundamentals of oil painting.


Using provided reference, or their own, students will begin by exploring oil paint through a monochromatic painting while learning the basics of oil paint chemistry and best practices. Students then learn techniques of oil paint application, including wet into wet techniques, with limited palette painting.  On the third day, students execute a final painting utilizing a full palette as they learn concepts and philosophy of color mixing, as well as exploring basics of glazing by adding to their first painting.

Rees, Timothy
Timothy Rees

Timothy Rees was fascinated with drawing throughout his youth and after high school pursued a degree in animation. The pull to painting portraits and figures was strong, however, leading him to learn the craft in the open studios of the Palette and Chisel in Chicago. After one year he joined the staff of instructors, and soon began teaching workshops locally and abroad while showing his work in galleries. He went on to develop and teach a classical art training program for the Scottsdale Artist School, then formed his own atelier, where apprentices studied under him full time. In his spare time, he recently completed a Bachelors in Justice and Ethics through University of Iowa, and formed a 501c3 nonprofit called Bridges to Art, bringing economic opportunity through arts programing to geographically remote and underserved regions of the world.

Timothy paints a range of subjects and in various techniques, but is best known for his loose all prima portraits, striking figurative abstract blended work, and naturalistic outdoor figure paintings of women and children. While some of his work has a narrative or a message, he says the most important thing with his paintings is to add to the inherent beauty of the world while exploring what it means to be human through the visual experience of paint.

He is currently represented by Arcadia Contemporary in New York City, NY; Bonner David Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ; and Susan Powell Fine Art in Madison, CT