Figurative Painting 2 Weeks

Figurative Painting 2 Weeks

Workshop | Unavailable

10:00 AM-5:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

Figurative Painting 2 Weeks

Workshop | Unavailable

Milt Kobayashi will take students through the arc of an oil painting, dealing with the problems that will arise, embracing alternative solutions, and exploring tangential ideas as they present themselves. His morning demos will focus on design and composition as a means of pushing an idea. He will talk about values and the effect light has on form. By mid-week, Milt will be taking students through his process of painting. The workshop will be a practical demonstration of problem-solving and hopefully enable the students to embrace their creative nature and break free from linear thinking.

  • Please note: Class will meet from 10am – 5pm

*You receive a $200 savings by taking both weeks of Milt Kobayashi’s workshop*

Kobayashi, Milt
Milt Kobayashi

Milt Kobayashi is a sophisticated painter who demonstrates a consummate mastery of design and unsentimental curiosity about people. The fertile cross-currents of two great cultures have nurtured his art to a harmonious resolve of Western technique with Oriental color, pattern and spatial composition. He has won the National Academy of Design's Ranger Purchase Award and the Allied Artists' Silver Medal. Has as also been featured in Southwest Art, The Artbook of the New West, and Workshop Magazine.