Color Mixing in Oil

Color Mixing in Oil

Workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th

Color Mixing in Oil

Workshop | Available

Portrait and figure painter Adrian Gottlieb instructs a comprehensive four-day course in mixing colors in order to perfectly match any color, with emphasis on flesh tones. The goal of this course is to give beginning oil painters a serious advantage in the necessary skills for successfully reproducing colors in Gottlieb’s later portrait workshops. On the first day, Gottlieb will give a lecture on the color theory necessary to understanding how chroma works with value to achieve the greatest luminosity. Lectures will continue throughout the course in order to give students the tools they need to mix colors quickly and accurately. Also on the first day, students will learn to make value scales in black and white. The ability to create a value scale will be instrumental in being able to mix color ranges later in the course, as well in mixing color ranges in subject matter in their own paintings. On the second day, students will mix different color scales according to chroma following the value scales they learned on the first day. On the third day students will adapt the lesson from the first two days to match color swatches provided by the instructor. On the fourth day students will be given different color swatches in order to be able to change one color to another quickly and confidently. 

Gottlieb, Adrian
Adrian Gottlieb

Based in Urbana, Illinois, Adrian Gottlieb is best known for his figurative pieces and portraiture, both official and personal, and is also admired for an uncanny ability to integrate radiant figures into realistic landscapes.  Gottlieb often works directly from the live model -- what comes off his easel are people who are luminous — many seem to glow from within. Seeking to create what he calls a “total experience,” Gottlieb’s portraits are notably insightful, bringing us closer to the sitter through a heightened awareness of that person’s humanity.Gottlieb is a signature member of the California Art Club, and his work can be found in galleries at American Legacy Fine Art in Pasadena and T.H. Brennen Fine Art in Scottsdale.  Gottlieb has already been commissioned to paint English nobility, religious leaders, some of the world’s foremost corporate leaders, a member of the House of Representatives, the Governor of Nevada and the same figure when he served as a district judge in that state.  In addition, his work is in the collections of the families of Starbucks, Midas, various hedge fund managers, and a Prince of Baharana.