In Studio Landscape

In Studio Landscape

Class | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Tue

In Studio Landscape

Class | Available

This is a four-week intensive class where students will focus on the creation of a longer-term studio landscape or still life

Frequent demonstrations and 1 on 1 mentoring and assistance throughout. In week one students will select subject and initial drawings reference and will include composition and value studies. Week two students will finalize drawings and initial rough color studies and begin small studies. In Week three students will transfer to larger panels 11x14 or 16x20 and complete under paintings. Week four will conclude with Palette color layout and completed painting. Timing within the 4 days may (and will) vary but the course is meant to set students on the way to completion.

Little, Michael
Michael Little

Mike studied at University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island School of Design and Cooper Union earning a BFA in drawing and printmaking and a MFA in painting. He has improved and changed with many workshops and classes at Scottsdale Artists’ School and fully expects to see even more diversity in his work. Mike believes all things come from a strong understanding of drawing and that everyone has a style and voice that comes with practice and intuition.