A Foundation in Portrait Sculpture

A Foundation in Portrait Sculpture

local workshop | Available

All Levels
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

A Foundation in Portrait Sculpture

local workshop | Available

Sculptor Alex Manzanares offers portrait sculpture instruction drawing from his extensive studies in Florence and Rome. Over the course of five days, students will sculpt a three-quarter life-size portrait using water-based clay. While working directly with a live model, students will explore the process of measuring, blocking in the portrait, discerning the planes, structures, and forms necessary to achieve an accurate likeness of the subject. Manzanares will guide students through every step of the portrait sculpting process, from blocking-in and modeling the form to detailing features and applying finishing textures. Students will also learn how to properly hollow the portrait for firing. manzanaresart.com

Alex Manzanares

Alex Manzanares is a realist artist whose current practice centers on drawing, painting, and sculpting. His artwork blends his classical training from Florence, Rome and Paris with contemporary aesthetics to create his distinctive interpretation. While his drawings and paintings challenge the boundaries of dimension by pushing form and depth, his sculptures endeavor to achieve presence. Negotiating color, composition, light and dark, his work explores the dialogue between the outer world and the inner world. In creating the work, he explores the thoughts, feelings, fears and desires of the personal experience and how they manifest in the social and environmental realm. This engagement with the artwork in its creation leaves an impression in the work that arouses emotional interaction.
His works are held in private collections in the United States, and Europe.

