Crash Course in Oil Painting

Crash Course in Oil Painting

Class | Available

9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Sat

Crash Course in Oil Painting

Class | Available

In this crash course oil painting class, Brighton Demerest-Smith (MFA) will start from square one and take students through everything they need to know to use oil paint. Topics will include surfaces, supports, canvas, types of paints, underpainting, overpainting, palette set up, studio set up, different limited and extended palettes for different subject matters. This straightforward hands-on class will provide students with all the knowledge necessary to get stuck into oil painting without the headache and muddy color!

Brighton Demerest-Smith

Brighton Smith was born and raised in Southern California. He began artistic training at an early age at the Orange County School of the Arts. He went on to study Studio Art and Art History at Pepperdine University. During his time there he studied with the late Art Historian Michael Zakian who was one of the greatest academic voices for contemporary realism. Brighton is pursuing his MFA through Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Brighton has been teaching traditional academic and observational drawing and painting for more than a decade. He is passionate about art history and travels frequently to visit museums. He is an Out of State Artist Member of the California Art Club. In the Summer of 2022 he filmed a 10 part video series on traditional approaches to drawing education through Classical U and Classical Academic Press. Brighton has more than a decade of gallery experience as a working artist who has successfully mounted 10 solo exhibitions and more than two dozen group exhibitions at multiple galleries. His work is in the museum  collection of the Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art and private collections in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Dallas, Chicago, London and Berlin.