Expressive Portrait Painting

Expressive Portrait Painting

Class-Micro | Available

All Levels
12/9/2024 (one day)
9:00 AM-4:00 PM on Mon

Expressive Portrait Painting

Class-Micro | Available

In this class students will work on the understructure of a painting. What is that?

Painting the human head has no limits. Express yourself with amazing color using

a wide palette of colors. Anything goes in this class! The control will come in the

drawing and the simplification of values. This fun and educational class is designed

to push skills to a higher level. All color mediums are welcome.

Salinas, Jerry
Jerry Salinas

Jerry Salinas graduated from the American Academy of Art with a degree in Illustration and Fine Arts where he studied with Bill Parks. He has been working as an illustrator since the mid-1990’s working with many ad agencies. He is represented in Chicago and New York. He balances his interest in illustration work with his love for fine art. Jerry is a member of the Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, Where he has studied with Romel de la Torre, Clayton J. Beck III and a community of artists in-residence and visiting painters.