Oil Painting 101

Oil Painting 101

Class | FULL

6:00 PM-9:00 PM on Th

Oil Painting 101

Class | FULL

Have you ever wanted to learn how to paint but were too afraid to enter a class with people who have been at it for years? Have you dabbled in painting but feel that you may have started out on the wrong foot? This class is designed to go through the fundamentals and solidify a foundation from which to build upon! Learn about different kinds of brushes, mediums, surfaces and how they will affect a painting result. Learn the methods of direct and also indirect painting (glazing) to see which style resonates with your artistic strengths! Working with a limited palette, students will learn to mix colors that are truer to life to develop a color system that will propel you into the wonderful world of painting! www.mikegarciafineart.com 

Mike Garcia