Do you want to "MAKE THE LEAP" towards becoming a professional artist and to start selling your work? Are you already a professional artist who simply needs to improve your art business skills, learn some great art inventory software, how to market themselves and get some knowledgeable advice on your work and how to improve your art business and sales? This workshop will inspire you and give you the knowledge to start on that path. Join us for an exciting workshop with Vanessa Rothe as she teaches you all the important aspects of running your art business. Rothe is a well known gallery owner, curator, lecturer, fine artist and contributing editor for American Art Collector and American Fine art and International Artist magazine. With her 25 years experience in all these aspects of the art world, she can help you gear up to make this big and exciting leap... and have fun in the process. "All this information took years to acquire, I wish this workshop was available to me when I was starting to sell.”
This workshop is based of her popular monthly column the "Art Industry Insider” published in International Artist Magazine. ( samples below) Rothe currently advises artists on an individual basis, and in 2024 is bringing this great workshop to SAS and its students.
Students will leave the workshop armed and ready with :
• Software programs and costs to run an art business
• A written artist bio, Artists statement
•iPhone tips and tricks for photographing, cropping and adjusting images.
•Set up a great inventory software and learn how to use it, + marketing tips.
• How to use Constant Contact and keep a mailing list of their clients.
•Learn how to enter their work into juried shows, sales platforms, and join art groups that fit their style
•Put a professional PDF together and how to submit to galleries.
•Website advice with suggestions to improve, tips to sell more work,
•Tips on how to tag and improve their instagram account
• Key marketing advertising starting points and plan.
• How to pitch to an editor for an article on their work, and more.