I-49 Workforce Corridor Summit

I-49 Workforce Corridor Summit

Scheduled | Available

10/10/2024 (one day)
USD 59.00

I-49 Workforce Corridor Summit

Scheduled | Available

Join the I-49 Corridor Workforce Summit to help build a resilient, thriving workforce through the development of regional partnerships across Northwest Arkansas and Southwest Missouri. In an era defined by rapid change and interconnected challenges, collaboration across regional lines has never been more crucial. This one-day summit will pull together community leaders, employers, and workforce partners to tackle the pressing issues of today and help shape the workforce landscape of tomorrow.

  • Discover innovative solutions to staffing and scheduling dilemmas.
  • Explore proactive talent pipelines and ways to enrich our talent pools.
  • Engage with thought leaders on navigating evolving workforce policies.
  • Uncover what Gen Z and Gen Alpha seek in their career paths.

This is your opportunity to connect, learn, and lead the way toward a stronger, more adaptive workforce. Together, we can build resilient communities through the power of regional partnerships. Don’t miss this event. Be a part of the conversation that drives progress and opportunity in our region.