Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Executive Ed Course | This program is completed

119 Main Street Little Rock, AR 72201 United States
Lecture Room
10/10/2019 (one day)
3:30 PM-5:30 PM CDT on Th

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Executive Ed Course | This program is completed

Emotional Intelligence (EI) and a strong commitment to personal values are integral to effective leadership. Leaders with these skills are keenly aware of their emotions and the emotions of others, and they use those insights to lead, engage, and empower those around them. This course will aid in developing EI skills to make a bigger impact in the participants organization and become a stronger leader.

Who Should Attend:

Managers, team leaders, and professionals who are seeking to understand and improve their emotional intelligence to improve their effectiveness as managers and leaders.


Leaders will be more self-aware and better able to lead teams. Increase empathy for your staff and become more self-motivated.

Learning Objectives:
• Use your knowledge to adapt your style to influence others
• Enhance your emotional intelligence to inspire and coach others through the uncertainty of change initiatives
• Utilize concepts of emotional intelligence as they relate to leadership capabilities and effectiveness
• Develop personal and company values in building and sustaining relationships with employees and customers
• Gain tools to develop an emotionally intelligent and ethical workforce
• Promote collaboration through high empathy, thought leadership, and thorough decision-making


Walton College at 2nd and Main, 119 Main Street, Little Rock, AR 72201

  • Special Note:

    If you are registering more than 4 people, contact execed@walton.uark.edu for additional registration options.

  • Return to Program Calendar

Case, Chris
Chris Case

Chris’s vision and entrepreneurial spirit has allowed her to partner in several successful startup businesses including a company that developed and produce training products and courses, a speaker’s bureau, a motivational seminar company and two E-commerce businesses. Chris has spent the last 22 years coaching individuals and organizations regarding leadership, communication, individual improvement and team development. In 1994, Chris founded Case Training, Inc. on the simple premise that individuals need to understand each other better. By taking the time to understand different styles of behavior, we can become more intentional leaders, learn how to master conflict and communicate in a motivating and uplifting manner. Chris is a wife of a coach at the University of Arkansas, mother of four and grandmother of one precious little girl. Chris is passionate about inspiring individuals to peak. She has achieved this over the last 22 years through assessing, speaking, coaching and consistent re-evaluation.