Discover Outdoor Rec: Cost Accounting and Cash Flow - Bentonville

Discover Outdoor Rec: Cost Accounting and Cash Flow - Bentonville

Executive Ed Course | This program is completed

700 SE 5th St, Suite 140 Bentonville, AR 72712 United States
Common room
7/27/2021 (one day)
3:00 PM-7:00 PM CDT on Tue

Discover Outdoor Rec: Cost Accounting and Cash Flow - Bentonville

Executive Ed Course | This program is completed

Small businesses need to be nimble when both opportunity and challenges arise. Knowing the status of financial resources can help seize opportunities and navigate challenges effectively.

Part of the Discover Outdoor Rec Small Business Success Series.

700 SE Street
Bentonville, AR 72712

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Allee, Ph.D., Kris
Kris Allee, Ph.D.

Kristian (Kris) Allee is the Doyle Z. Williams Chair in Professional Accounting and an Associate Professor at the University of Arkansas. He graduated from Indiana University with a PhD in Accounting and earned his BS and MAcc degrees at Brigham Young University. Kris worked at Michigan State University and the University of Wisconsin—Madison as an assistant professor of accounting before joining the faculty at the University of Arkansas and was an associate economist for the Federal Reserve Banks in St. Louis, MO and Charlotte, NC. Kris’ research examines firms’ disclosure policies, textual analysis and computational linguistics on firm disclosures, the production and use of financial statements by small businesses, cost of equity capital estimates, and corporate tax policies and behavior. He has published research in The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Accounting Organizations and Society, Management Science, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Business Horizons, and the Journal on Baseball and American Culture. He primarily teaches financial accounting. Additionally, he has taught financial accounting research to PhD students and financial statement analysis to undergraduate, MBA, and MAcc students.

Walton College Instructor